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Leila Lawlor Publishes “Building Belonging” in the Tennessee Law Review The article examines a number of law schools to assess how well the schools retain their students.

Lawlor-Leila-scaled-1-800x533 Leila Lawlor Publishes “Building Belonging” in the Tennessee Law ReviewProf. Leila Lawlor

Washington and Lee law professor Leila Lawlor has published an article in the Tennessee Law Review. The article, “Building Belonging: Proven Methods to Decrease Attrition and Best Serve Law Students,” examines nine similarly situated ABA-accredited law schools and assesses these schools’ success at retaining students.

“A practical, hands-on model of best practices was developed from this study,” says Lawlor. “Best methods can be divided into three general categories: (1) providing friendly, readily available, visible assistance to students with pending needs; (2) incorporating specific, important lessons in academic success programming; and (3) intentionally building an immediate, caring law school community.”

The article is available online at SSRN.

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