Jan Hathorn’s interview on the April episode of "W&L After Class: The Lifelong Learning Podcast" includes conversations about the new Duchossois Athletic and Recreation Center, the role of athletics in a W&L education, and her experiences as Washington and Lee’s first female athletic director.
Ramonah Gibson '20 has received a Fulbright United Kingdom (U.K.) Partnership Award to complete her master's degree in creative writing scriptwriting at the University of East Anglia.
"Intimate Violence," a documentary about domestic violence by W&L professor Stephanie Sandberg and junior Nolan Zunk, has been recognized by three film festivals.
Clay Chadwick ’22, Demmanuel Gonzalez ’21, Caleb Peña ’21, Carolina Rubio Regalado ’22 and Pamela Steimel ’22 were recognized in March by the Virginia Teachers of Promise Institute.
James D. Farrar Jr., secretary of the university and senior advisor to the president at Washington and Lee, has announced his retirement effective Dec. 31, 2021.
Brian Laubscher, director of athletic communications at W&L, was recently recognized by the College Sports Information Directors of America with a 25-year service award.
In a WalletHub piece, Scott Hoover, Washington and Lee University’s A. Stevens Miles Professor of Banking and Finance, answers questions about secured credit cards.