The former president, who died Dec. 29, interacted with the Washington and Lee University community on multiple occasions.
The former president, who died Dec. 29, interacted with the Washington and Lee University community on multiple occasions.
As head hearing advisor for the Honor System, Gammage helped steward the ‘bedrock of what makes W&L an incredible academic institution.’
A student-run academic exercise, Mock Con remains the most accurate political mock convention in the country
Mock Convention made its Spring Kickoff event an informative preview of upcoming convention conversations.
The W&L community event will be held on Tuesday, March 21, at 6 p.m. in W&L’s University Chapel.
Twelve students at W&L are creating their own version of the U.S. Constitution in Professor Lynn Uzzell’s politics course.
The exhibition, “The Mock Convention Through the Years,” is on display on the first floor of Leyburn Library between Sept. 15-29.
The Roanoke Times features a story about W&L Mock Convention's "notable track record for accuracy," following this week's Republican National Convention.
The 2016 Washington and Lee University Mock Convention came to a close on Saturday, Feb. 13, predicting that Donald J. Trump will win the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination.
Mock Convention leaders Andrew McCaffery '16, Randy Karlson '16, John Crum '17 and Kevin Ortiz '16 sat down with WMRA's Jessie Knadler to discuss the convention's history, the research process, and the challenges facing this year's students in making their nomination.
A procession of the country’s political stars, including presidents, governors, cabinet officials and campaign strategists, has traveled to Lexington, Virginia, every four years since 1908 to participate in Washington and Lee University’s presidential Mock Convention.
Washington and Lee University’s 2012 Mock Republican Convention awarded its nomination to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney on Saturday.
And It's Romney On the first ballot, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney got the Washington Mock Convention endorsement when Indiana's delegation gave him its votes. Coincidentally, the announcement that Romney had been put over the top came within minutes of a Washington Post News Alert that Romney had won the presidential straw poll of activists […]
J.C. Watts Has the Last Word Although Herman Cain was a last-minute scratch, the Mock Convention delegates got plenty of political rhetoric, with former Oklahoma Rep. J.C. Watts offering the final speech of the second session. Watts noted that he'd been in Lexington for the 2000 Republican Mock Convention. The strength of America, he said, […]
Mike Huckabee: Best Government is Self-Government After the dust settled from the Carville-Coulter debate, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee brought calm to the setting with a quietly passionate appeal to personal responsibility. The best government, Huckabee said, is self-government. "Freedom does not exist in a moral vacuum," he added. Huckabee told the crowd that he […]
When critics say that today's generation of college students doesn't care about politics, Washington and Lee University senior Tricia King can only shake her head. "All they have to do is watch what happens here in Lexington this coming weekend to see that's not true," said King, an English and politics double major from Norfolk, Va. […]
Washington and Lee's 2012 Mock Convention political team is picking Rick Santorum to edge Mitt Romney in Tuesday's Minnesota caucuses and for Romney to win the Colorado caucuses. The student researchers did not make a pick for Missouri, which is non-binding and is generally regarded as a beauty contest. The Mock Convention is only days […]
NOTE: Herman Cain cancelled his scheduled appearance at the Mock Convention on Friday, Feb. 10, telling organizers he had lost his voice earlier in the day. Former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain will address Washington and Lee University’s Mock Convention on Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Cain dropped out of the race in December but was […]
Former Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman will address Washington and Lee University’s Mock Convention on Friday, Feb. 10.
The student political researchers for Washington and Lee University's Mock Convention are predicting a landslide win for Mitt Romney in Saturday's Nevada caucus, with second place going to New Gingrich and third to Ron Paul. With the Mock Convention itself less than a week away, the student political team has been gearing up to make […]
Four more prominent Republican leaders will address Washington and Lee students at the school’s 2012 Republican Mock Convention.
Washington and Lee University's student political research team the 2012 Republican Mock Convention have concluded that Mitt Romney will claim a double-digit win over New Gingrich in Tuesday's Florida primary. That prediction is based on research conducted by Jeff Wieand, chair of the Mock Convention's Florida delegation and a second-year law student from Pottstown, Pa.; […]
Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell will address students at Washington and Lee’s Republican Mock Convention on Friday, Feb. 10. McDonnell took office in 2010 after receiving the most votes of any Virginia governor in history. During his term, he has supported proposals to make the largest investment in Virginia transportation systems in a generation and announced […]
House Majority Leader and Virginia Representative Eric Cantor will address Washington and Lee University’s 2012 Republican Mock Convention on Friday, February 10, 2012. One of the most influential Republicans in Congress, Cantor has served in the House of Representatives since 2001 and was elected Majority Leader in 2010. A proponent of a strong national defense, Cantor […]
With polls in New Hampshire showing Mitt Romney with an insurmountable lead in the Republican presidential primary, the student researchers for Washington and Lee University's Mock Republican Convention are predicting that he will win between 38 and 42 percent of the vote, followed by Ron Paul in second place and Jon Huntsman in third. The […]
Student organizers of Washington and Lee University’s Mock Republican Convention are predicting that Mitt Romney will win the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 3 with Ron Paul and Rick Santorum finishing second and third, respectively. On a blog post announcing the prediction, Zach Wilkes, a senior politics major from Farmerville, La., and the convention’s political chair, […]
A debate between Democratic strategist James Carville and GOP pundit Ann Coulter will be followed by a speech from former Arkansas governor and 2008 presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, on the opening night of Washington and Lee University's Mock Republican Convention, Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012. That event will be open to the public and held in […]
Senior Zach Wilkes is bound and determined to start a new streak when Washington and Lee University's 2012 Mock Republican Convention nominates its presidential candidate on February 10, 2012. In its last attempt to predict the presidential nominee of the party out of power, the W&L conventioneers incorrectly chose Hillary Clinton in 2008 to win […]
Washington and Lee's 2012 Republican Mock Convention is 279 days away. Thursday night, as part of the quadrennial event's Spring Kickoff, and just before the first GOP presidential debate aired on TV, four seasoned political observers offered some valuable advice to the student conventioneers during a panel discussion in Wilson Concert Hall. The conversation was […]