The Kendrick Award, established in memory of Bryant Kendrick ’67, encourages W&L students to experience the natural world.
The Kendrick Award, established in memory of Bryant Kendrick ’67, encourages W&L students to experience the natural world.
Adhip Adhikari ’27 spent much of his summer creating a library at a secondary school near his family's home in Katmandu, Nepal.
While exploring the connections between “Station Eleven” and William Shakespeare, professor of English Holly Pickett and her crew of summer research students examined the foundational value of the humanities to society.
This summer, students working with associate professor of theater Stephanie Sandberg explored the practice of compassion through the eyes of documentarians.
Marcie Bernard ’25 explored the different avenues of veterinary medicine in the Amazon Rainforest as she worked to rehabilitate and rewild animals at Hoja Nueva.
W&L students share their experiences getting to know the larger Lexington and Rockbridge community during the summer months.
Elka Prechel ’26 was inspired by a Spring Term Abroad to explore her passion for teaching in France and Italy this summer.
By enlisting guidance from the W&L science community, Emma Marvelli ’27 combined a Spring Term abroad class with summer research to better understand Virginia meta-basalts and their potential for combating climate change.
Eliza Spaht ’26 took a course on the economics of winemaking with the Council on International Educational Exchange’s Business and Culture program in Barcelona, Spain.
The A. Paul Knight Internship Program in Conservation, named in memory of a late Washington and Lee student, allows students to pursue their passion for environmental conservation.
Summer Research Scholars are spending their summer helping to bring one of the world's oldest cities to life through modern technology.
Addie-Grace Cook ’25, a politics major with a double minor in Middle East and South Asia studies and poverty and human capability studies, is spending her summer making an impact in the greater Rockbridge community through a Shepherd Program internship with Project Horizon.
Melos Ambaye ’25 is helping children in Ethiopia as part of her Shepherd summer internship.
Ryan Doty’s summer passion project explored his family lineage through poetry and photography.
The Summer Research Scholars program at W&L is welcoming a record number of undergraduate students and supervising faculty and staff from a variety of academic disciplines.
W&L’s Summer Research Scholars program gives students hands-on experience in collaborative research with faculty mentors.
Grant funding through W&L's Johnson Program allows student recipients to pursue passion projects and career development around the world.
Washington and Lee students gain new perspectives after internships through the Shepherd Program.
Washington and Lee's Center for International Education awarded two students funding to study Arabic at the University of Jordan this summer.
Washington and Lee students blazed their own trails this summer to pursue their passions.
SHECP internships provide work experiences that are impactful for both the students and the communities they serve.
Bonner Kirkland '23 conducted biomedical research this summer in the Children’s National Hospital’s Department of Genetic Medicine.
Aishwarya Vemagiri '25 hopes her summer research experience on diet-induced obesity will lead to a career in the medical field.
Kiera Stankewich ’25 tackled food justice in Louisville, Kentucky this summer through the Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty.
Collin Frazey ’23 spent his summer working for Meta's intellectual property team in the heart of Silicon Valley.
Brendan Smith ’24 worked in the British House of Commons as a parliamentary research intern in London.
Kristina Ayers '25 is interning at a medical clinic for the homeless in Washington, D.C. through the Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty.
Margaret Witkofsky '24 is researching grants for the city of Lexington, Virginia through her internship with the Office of Community-Based Learning.
Marcus Payne '25 is spending his summer doing geology research with Professor of Earth and Environmental Geoscience Jeffrey Rahl.
Lily Mott '23 is interning this summer at News Over Audio in Dublin, Ireland, where she is finding fulfillment at the intersection of politics and journalism.
Caroline Wise '23 is spending her second summer working as an alpine guide in Alaska.
The STEM-focused endowment will support internships, research opportunities, academic conference costs and other student experiences.
Johansen plans to head to Eastern Europe after graduation to serve Ukrainian refugees.
AJ Mabaka '22 plans to attend a graduate program in marine science and conservation policy.
As a summer counselor with the nonprofit Camp Fire Alaska, Chase Wonderlic '18 got in touch with his inner child and his adventurous spirit.
“What makes the 25th and 50th reunion gifts special is the opportunity for the classes to decide what their collective legacy is going to be to W&L,” says Jessica Cohen, W&L’s 25th reunion gift officer, who has overseen the 25th reunion gift campaign since 2006.