How Mock Con General Secretary Layne Smith '20 stays sane under the pressure of academics, Mock Con 2020 and acting as head hearing advisor for the W&L Honor System.
How Mock Con General Secretary Layne Smith '20 stays sane under the pressure of academics, Mock Con 2020 and acting as head hearing advisor for the W&L Honor System.
Brian Alexander has been awarded a domestic fellowship at the International Center for Jefferson Studies (ICJS) at Monticello.
Leadership donors Anne and Tom MacCowatt P'18, '22 share why they continue to invest in W&L and why they chose to support CARPE.
As general chair for Mock Con 2020, Jimmy Fleck '20 uses his political knowledge and business skills to lead a team of stand-out students toward a historic moment.
Gabriele, a 2019 graduate, is the university’s 17th Rhodes Scholar.
A message from Dean Brant Hellwig and President Will Dudley on the diploma petition.
Working with Campus Kitchen at Washington and Lee has made Hannah Witherell '20 determined to continue helping others after she leaves W&L.
Museums at Washington and Lee will take part in Lexington's Museum Week and host Poinsettias at the Chapel during December.
Washington and Lee law student Sophie Rogers ‘21L and her now-husband Brandyn Churchill ’14 made national news earlier this year when they joined a lawsuit challenging Virginia’s practice of asking those applying for marriage licenses to disclose their race.
Mario Urizar ‘11L takes an immigration case before the U.S. Supreme Court Dec. 9.