Washington and Lee will host a public screening of “Triton: America’s Deep Secret” on Feb. 26 at 6 p.m. in Stackhouse Theater on the W&L campus.
Washington and Lee will host a public screening of “Triton: America’s Deep Secret” on Feb. 26 at 6 p.m. in Stackhouse Theater on the W&L campus.
The title of Gary Staab’s presentation is “Digital Dinosaurs: Fleshing out the Past."
Hannah Denham, ’20, is one of the top 20 finalists in the Hearst Journalism Awards’ enterprise writing contest.
Zainab Abiza '19 interviews Morten Wendelbo '12 about his research focusing on economic development, humanitarian aid and food security.
Averett’s talk, which is free and open to the public, is titled “Frightening the Frightful: Grotesque Visages from Ancient Cyprus.”
Bacdayan was sworn in as a trustee of his alma mater on Feb. 8.
Fred LaRiviere, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry at Washington and Lee University, is the new associate dean of the college, beginning Feb. 11.
The students will provide basic preparation of state and federal income tax returns to qualified residents.
Students in General Physics Lab I send eggs bungee jumping in the Science Center. The goal? Calculate correctly lest your project be a bust.
A market research project generated by W&L students is helping a Danish company to align its initiatives with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.