The society amplifies women's philanthropic power.
The society amplifies women's philanthropic power.
The second annual Philanthropy Education Week highlighted the impact donations have on the undergraduate experience.
Generous law alumni, parents and friends contributed over $1.6 million to W&L Law’s Annual Fund in the 2021-22 fiscal year.
The environment at W&L was transformative in the sense that everything you did was governed by the Honor System. You were your own disciplinarian. I had never experienced anything like this, and it made an impact that stayed with me throughout my business and personal life. I attribute my success in business to this.
One sign that the 2017 PLC Spring Weekend was a smash hit: parents concluded the weekend asking “How soon can we book our hotel rooms for next year?”
Every once in a while someone comes along who reminds us that philanthropy is both profoundly creative and simpler than we think. For Eileen Small ’15, being a philanthropist is as simple as taking the ideas you have for how things could be better and doing something about them.
When Lou Hodges died in February, the W&L community mourned for an educator and proponent of social justice whose impact on the campus still looms large. But now the community can celebrate because Lou's name is permanently memorialized at the school he served for 43 years.
Dennis Cross, vice president for university advancement, noted that fundraising is just one aspect of the division's mission to connect, involve, and gain the support of W&L's alumni, parents, and friends.
In the year following the wildly successful conclusion of Honor Our Past, Build Our Future: The Campaign for Washington and Lee, alumni and parents once again gave more to the Annual Fund than ever before.
James N. (Jim) Paradies '51 has established a new scholarship endowment for W&L students with financial need.
Over 150 PLC families attended Parents and Family Weekend on September 30 - October 2, 2016.
The special PLC events during the weekend provided a deeper level of connection with the administration and fellow families.