The Gilman Scholarship Program offers awards of up to $5,000 to U.S. undergraduate student recipients.
The Gilman Scholarship Program offers awards of up to $5,000 to U.S. undergraduate student recipients.
Johansen plans to head to Eastern Europe after graduation to serve Ukrainian refugees.
Members of the Washington and Lee University community are responding to last month’s incursion by offering educational opportunities and raising funds for relief efforts.
Nick Mosher '22 always finds support at W&L, whether he's writing a thesis on Russian politics, starting an online human rights newspaper or helping the football team win ODACs.
Shrayer will read from and discuss his new book, “A Russian Immigrant: Three Novellas.”
Becoming a part of the Outing Club at Washington and Lee completely changed Matt Richards's college experience. "My time with the Outing Club has without a doubt had the biggest impact on my time here," he said.
The Critical Language Scholarship Program has allowed Riley Ries '19 to strengthen his Russian and learn more about politics and culture in Kyrgyzstan.
Senior Stephanie Williams '18 says W&L's First-Generation Low-Income Partnership (FLIP) gave her support to overcome obstacles and mentor other low-income students.