The latest episode of W&L's Lifelong Learning podcast takes listeners to Italy with George Bent, who describes his remarkable digital history project.
People & News Archive (Showing 493-504 of 612 Stories)
Arabic professor Anthony Edwards recently published “An Incomplete Journey Away from the Past: The Life and Ideas of Antonius Ameuney (1821–1881).”
Kerin recently published a paper titled "Cut, Tuck, and Paste: Repurposing Mass-Produced Imagery at Buddhist Shrines in Ladakh, India."
The Latin Student Organization planned and organized the events in collaboration with the Office of Inclusion and Engagement.
Miranda was recently awarded the H. Hiter Harris III Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching for 2021.
The former governor of Virginia received an honorary degree from W&L in 1971.
The novel “Ursula” is Brazil's first abolitionist novel and the first novel by an Afro-Brazilian woman.
Brock's talk is titled "Speak of the Devil: Teaching Histories of the Supernatural."
The Lewis Whitaker Adams Professor of Economics Emeritus was 97.
Pakenas and Wortham joined the W&L Board of Trustees on October 15.
The new episode of "W&L After Class: The Lifelong Learning Podcast" features biology professor Nadia Ayoub, who explains her research with black widow spiders.
Washington and Lee has been selected as the new academic home of the Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty (SHECP) following a competitive application process. Tim Diette has been named executive director of the consortium.