The article argues for a First Amendment approach to corporate governance speech that is sensitive to the democratic processes governing corporate organization.
The article argues for a First Amendment approach to corporate governance speech that is sensitive to the democratic processes governing corporate organization.
Suzette Malveaux will be honored for her work, and several other members of the W&L Law faculty will present at the annual academic conference hosted by the Association of American Law Schools.
The Court cited Haan’s article “Voting Rights in Corporate Governance: History and Political Economy.”
The book chapter examines the role of corporations in campaign finance and reform efforts.
In article for the ProMarket blog, Haan argues that an Exxon Mobile corporate election and lawsuit shed more light on current upheavals in corporate democracy than they do on the success of the Environmental, Social, and Governance movement.
Hosted by the Center for American Progress (CAP), the event featured Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, Rep. Jamie Raskin, and FEC Commissioner Shana Broussard
The article looks at current instability involving corporate shareholder voting rights, examining it through a historical lens.
In an article for the ECGI blog, Haan challenges a central assumption of early 20th century corporate law.
The article, "Delegated Corporate Voting and the Deliberative Franchise," examines a shift in the shareholder voting process that could impact wealth maximization.
Professor Sarah Haan published "Women in Shareholder Activism."
Professor Sarah Haan was quoted extensively in a Bloomberg Law news article on a challenge brought by business groups to a new SEC disclosure rule.
Haan’s talk “The Democratization of Shareholding: Power and Passivity in American Corporate and Political Governance” will be held on Sept. 5.
W&L Law Dean Melanie Wilson has announced the annual awards that recognize faculty members for their accomplishments as teachers and scholars and for service to the school.
Recent articles by Sarah Haan on sexism in corporate governance were featured in a commentary by New York Times business and economic columnist Peter Coy.
W&L Law professor Sarah Haan has been named to be the inaugural Class of 1958 Uncas and Anne McThenia Professor of Law. Her appointment is effective July 1, 2022.
Prof. Sarah Haan published "Corporate Governance and the Feminization of Capital."
The piece, based on a forthcoming article in the Stanford Law Review, is a fascinating look at the history of women shareholders.
Six members of the faculty were recognized for their contributions in the classroom, to scholarship and to experiential education.
Prof. Sarah Haan coauthored a commentary for Project Syndicate on using stock price to judge performance.
Slate published a commentary by Sarah Haan on Facebook's approach to free speech and authenticity.