Joelle James Phillips ‘95L joined the Washington and Lee University Board of Trustees on Feb. 7, at the board’s winter meeting in Lexington, Virginia.
Joelle James Phillips ‘95L joined the Washington and Lee University Board of Trustees on Feb. 7, at the board’s winter meeting in Lexington, Virginia.
Josephine S. Covington ’96, P’24 and John C. “Jack” Huffard Jr. ’90, P’28 joined the Washington and Lee University Board of Trustees on Oct. 25, at the board’s fall meeting in Lexington.
Sharman will be sworn in at the board’s spring meeting.
All three were sworn in as trustees on Oct. 20.
Urquhart ’01 joined the W&L Board of Trustees on Feb. 10.
McLemore and Hollis will be sworn in at the board’s spring meeting.
Hipp served as a trustee from 1985-1995.
Ellison served on the board from 2004 to 2011.
Robinson ’94 joined the W&L Board of Trustees on Feb. 14.
Payne joined the W&L Board of Trustees on October 5.
George D. "Geordy" Johnson III, CEO of Johnson Development Associates Inc., Spartanburg, South Carolina, joined the Washington and Lee University Board of Trustees on Oct. 7, 2016.