Competitors overcome format changes to gain valuable advocacy experience.
Competitors overcome format changes to gain valuable advocacy experience.
Hundreds of teams participate each year in this competition focused on a dispute between nations.
A busy fall season of intra-school moot court events concluded this week with the finals of the Mock Trial competition.
Washington and Lee second-year law students Lauren Bond and Daniele San Roman recently competed in Atlanta at the Giles Sutherland Rich Moot Court Competition, the leading oral and written advocacy competition for patent law.
The W&L Law team of Joseph Isenberg ‘19L and Danielle Phillips ‘18L was named National Champion, and Phillips Best Oral Advocate, at the competition.
The team of Angelique Rogers and Junior Ndlovu will represent W&L Law at the National Competition in Brooklyn next month.
After two rounds of arguments and a lengthy deliberation, judges of the annual appellate advocacy competition awarded first place to Chase Cobb ‘19L and second place went to Patrick Hanlon ‘19L.
In addition to the team victory, law student Tamra Harris was named best oralist. The team won a $14,000 scholarship for the school.
The W&L Law team of Tejkaran Bains '17L and Caitlin Peterson '19L placed second in the NBLSA regional moot court competition, earning a spot in nationals next month in Houston.
Maureen Edobor, a 3L from Dallas, is serving this year as attorney general for the National Black Law Students Association.
Third year law students Max Gottlieb, Bo Mahr and Jenna Lorence will represent W&L Law at the national finals of the NYC Bar Moot Court Competition.
The W&L Law team of Thomas Griffin ‘18L and Stephen Edwards ‘18L will compete at the ABA National Negotiations Competition in February.
Looking for older stories? See the complete Moot Court archive.