Mouton entered college with plans to be a surgeon, but a sociology class changed his career path.
Mouton entered college with plans to be a surgeon, but a sociology class changed his career path.
Timothy Lubin and Anthony Edwards both presented at the event held in Berlin earlier this month.
In 2020, Julie Youngman introduced significant programmatic and curricular development in W&L’s new interdisciplinary program on Law, Justice and Society.
Franks, a professor of law at the University of Miami School of Law, will discuss the topic of her 2019 book, “The Cult of the Constitution: Our Deadly Devotion to Guns and Free Speech.”
The Law, Justice, and Society Program offers an interdisciplinary approach to legal studies that draws from faculty and resources in all three schools at Washington and Lee University.
Mimi Miller '21 interviews Jennifer Smyrnos '12L about practicing immigration law, a career that was inspired in part by her family heritage.
W&L law students provide legal assistance at the border.
The FBI agent credits his father, the Honor System and his W&L education with shaping his career.
Tyler Grant ’12, a graduate of Washington and Lee University and the University of Virginia School of Law, is a regular editorial contributor to several national publications.
Ginsburg’s visit was a year in the making and came 20 years after she penned the majority opinion in United States v. Virginia, the landmark case that struck down VMI’s male-only admissions policy.
Sofia Sequeira works as an intake paralegal for Legal Services NYC, a non-profit organization that offers free legal services to low-income NYC residents.
Shepherd Intern Mason Grist '18 worked for the Guilford County Public Defender's Office