The Sports, Entertainment, and Intellectual Property Law Society provides students with practical exposure to the law and opportunities to compete in external competitions.
The Sports, Entertainment, and Intellectual Property Law Society provides students with practical exposure to the law and opportunities to compete in external competitions.
The Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA) serves as a social, academic, cultural, and professional resource for both students from Asian Pacific areas and students who are interested in Asian cultures.
As founder and president of Wilderness Leadership and Learning, Abraham has impacted hundreds of youths in the D.C. area.
Steve Abraham ’80, ’83L finds fulfillment working with youth in a second career.
W&L's Law, Justice and Society minor examines legal concepts from an interdisciplinary lens.
Matching challenge aims to help alleviate student debt.
In this month’s episode, Professor Drumbl examines the function and limitations of law through his experiences, research and teachings in mass violence and human rights.
The lecture is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 1 p.m. in Sydney Lewis Hall Classroom B
Freda Coleman-Jackson has been named Interim Assistant Dean of Career Strategy, taking over for Cliff Jarrett '91L, who departs the law school this month.
W&L Law student Charles Scharf '25L ran school best times in the 5K and 10K, all while dealing with the rigors of 1L year.
A new Williams School facility and renovations to University Chapel and Sydney Lewis Hall among several projects on the horizon.
Freda Coleman-Jackson is the Assistant Director of Career Strategy and has worked at W&L Law since May 2020.
Michelle Lyon Drumbl, Robert O. Bentley Professor of Law and Director of the Tax Clinic at the Washington and Lee University School of Law, has been named as the next Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
David Eggert is a Professor of Practice who teaches a range of courses, including Antitrust, Conflict of Laws, Remedies, Torts, Property, and Complex Litigation.
Brianne Kleinert is a Senior Legal Assistant and works with the Immigrant Rights Clinic, the Tax Clinic, and Externship Programs.
Young alumna and current law student Cat Spencer '20, '23L shares her perspective on W&L and giving back.
W&L Law students and Ed Walker '96L bring his unique brand of community-based real estate development to Buena Vista.
Clifford Ando’s and Winnifred Fallers Sullivan’s lectures are free and open to the public.
The Law, Justice, and Society Program offers an interdisciplinary approach to legal studies that draws from faculty and resources in all three schools at Washington and Lee University.
Balen Essak '20 interviews Maisie Osteen '14L about her experiences with the Shepherd Program and as an assistant public defender.
In his talk, which is free and open to the public, Mounk will discuss the rise of populism around the world.
Mark Rush, Waxberg Professor of Politics and Law at W&L, has recently discussed constitutional amendments, 3D-printed guns and electoral maps.
Robert Edward Royall Huntley, president of Washington and Lee University from 1968 to 1983, died on Dec. 10, 2015, in Lexington. He was 86.