As Director, Seaman will oversee funding summer research projects for faculty, conferences and symposia organized at the Law School, and the visiting scholars workshop series.
As Director, Seaman will oversee funding summer research projects for faculty, conferences and symposia organized at the Law School, and the visiting scholars workshop series.
In “Owned: Property, Privacy and the New Digital Serfdom,” Prof. Joshua Fairfield examines how and why traditional property ownership is fading online and how we have become serfs to our digital lords.
The Justices decided Sessions v. Morales-Santana 8-0 in favor of the defendant, and their opinion directly referenced the brief coauthored by Baluarte.
Washington and Lee School of Law has announced the appointment of four law school faculty to chaired professorships. The appointments take effect July 1.
Prof. Kish Parella placed her article “Reputational Regulation” in the Duke Law Journal and was invited to present the paper at the prestigious Stanford/Harvard/Yale Junior Faculty Forum.
Five W&L faculty members are featured in a new book from Cambridge Press about the NSA surveillance scandal that grew out of Edward Snowden’s now infamous disclosures.
James E. Moliterno has been named the recipient of the William R. Rakes Leadership in Education Award from the Virginia State Bar Section on the Education of Lawyers in Virginia.
This opinion piece by Chris Seaman, Associate Professor of Law at Washington and Lee, appeared in the Roanoke Times on February 19, 2017.