Temi Adeyanju '21 describes her many adventures in Australia during her Internship and Study Semester in Asia-Pacific.
Temi Adeyanju '21 describes her many adventures in Australia during her Internship and Study Semester in Asia-Pacific.
Foster Friedman '21 discusses the highlights of his experience with the Internship and Study Semester in Asia Pacific Program.
Wenle Mu '20 describes a typical week of living in Australia as a student in the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program.
Zander Kieu highlights his first three months in Sydney as part of the Sydney Study Abroad and Internship Program.
Victoria Seymour '21 reflects on her time in Australia as part of the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program.
Claire Mackin '20 shares her experiences in Sydney as part of the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program.
As part of the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program, Mariam Samuel '20 is taking courses at the University of Sydney and interning at Wheatley Wealth Management.
Danielle Spickard '19 is taking full advantage of what the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program has to offer.
While studying in Sydney, Bradley Callaham '19 interns at LINK, the world’s largest international business brokerage firm.
Soon Ho spends his days in Australia studying at the University of Sydney and interning at Greencross Limited, Australia's largest pet care company.
Teresa Aires Rodrigues is spending her winter term in Sydney, Australia.
Laura Gottschalk moved from Lexington to Arlington to intern at EY during the Winter Term.
The Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program (SISAP) is the only program at W&L that provides students with both a study abroad experience and up to two internship opportunities during the same semester.
Looking back on the last four months in Australia, I cannot believe how much I have been able to experience in just one semester. My time in Australia has differed a little from the rest of the group since my sister just moved to Sydney with her Aussie husband. My brother-in-law, Calvin, was eager to show me the “real Australian experience,” which I quickly learned consisted of exploring beautiful places and eating meat pies while rooting for his favorite Australian rules football team.
As I write this blog post, I have been outside our beloved United States for nearly five months, and what an exciting time it certainly has been...
Classes, internships, and sightseeing take up the majority of my time here, but so far it’s been a semester to remember.
Now that we have lived in Sydney for over a month, I can tell you that there is no way to see it all. Although our small Washington and Lee group has made an effort to do as much as possible, we have barely scratched the surface of what Sydney has to offer.
Perhaps the neatest thing about Sydney is its seamless blending of a highly developed urban center and vast expanses of protected coastal land to hike and explore.
My adventures in Australia officially began after surviving twenty-two and half hours in the air, and arriving to the Gilligan’s Hostel in Cairns, Australia.
Although I always imagined myself studying abroad in Europe, after a Spring Term in Copenhagen my sophomore year, I was ready to explore a completely different area of the world.
While everyone else is screaming at their computers trying to weave through the web advisor woes and figure out how many times they are going to have to walk back to third-year housing that day, I have had the opportunity to do something that not many W&L students get to do right in the middle of junior year: explore a new, unfamiliar city and have an invaluable internship experience.