The lecture is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 1 p.m. in Sydney Lewis Hall Classroom B
The lecture is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 1 p.m. in Sydney Lewis Hall Classroom B
Rice's lecture, which is open to the public to view online, is titled "Cultural Norms and the Export of the W&L Honor System."
Strong’s talk is titled “George Washington and Education.”
Short's lecture is part of the broader Washington Term Speaker Series, “From the Colonnade to the Capitol… and Back.”
In her speech, which is free and open to the public, Mourao will discuss the role news organizations play, not only in spinning news, but also in legitimizing topics and people.
Rebecca M. Jordan-Young, a sociomedical scientist, is the fourth speaker in the 2017-18 “Ethics of Identity” series.
Strickler will give a talk on Wednesday, Sept. 19, at 6 p.m. in the Stackhouse Theater in Elrod Commons.
More than 500 ancient graffiti are now available online through the project website.
Her talk is titled "Does it Make Sense to Blame Corporations?"
Dr. Jeffrey Lacker, former CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, will give the H. Parker Willis Lecture in Political Economy.
Economics professor Peter Grajzl will give a talk titled "A Structural Topic Model of the Features and the Cultural Origins of Bacon's Ideas."
On Thursday, Sept. 15, Ivan Fong, general counsel of 3M, will discuss his career as a general counsel in a talk titled “Off the Record: Life as Outside, Government, and Inside Counsel.”
On Nov. 19, Christopher Bruner, the William Donald Bain Family Professor of Corporate Law at Washington and Lee University School of Law, will deliver the inaugural chair lecture on "What Makes a Corporation a Corporation?"
Hirshman will discuss her latest book, “Sisters in Law,” which details the lives of Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the first two-women to serve as U.S. Supreme Court Justices.
The Hon. Richard J. Leon, U.S. District Court Judge for the District of Columbia, will give a talk titled "Battle Hymn of a Federal District Judge."
On September 18, John McCardell '71, vice chancellor of the University of the South, will deliver a lecture titled "The Civil War and the Constitutions(s)" for 2014 Hendricks Lecture in Law and History.
Albert Blackwell, Reuben B. Pitts Professor Emeritus of Religion at Furman University, will present a lecture-demonstration on the theme, "Sounding Music: Relations of Melody and Harmony to Religious Sensibility and Expression" on Wednesday, April 23, at 7:30 p.m. at R.E. Lee Memorial Church. The free public lecture is part of a three day visit sponsored […]
Paul M. Smith, former law clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell '27, '31L, will discuss his role the gay rights case Lawrence v. Texas during a talk on Monday Oct. 21.
On Thursday, September 19, Michele Landis Dauber of Stanford Law School will deliver the 2013 Hendricks Lecture in Law and History.
On Sept. 28, Washington and Lee law professor Joan Shaughnessy will deliver the inaugural Groot lecture, titled “Two Hunters: Reflections on Mentoring and the Formation of Professional Identity.”