“Mohammad Omer Khalil: Musings,” co-curated by four Washington and Lee students as part of a seminar course in museum studies, will be on display in the Watson Galleries Sept. 28, 2023 through June 1, 2024.
“Mohammad Omer Khalil: Musings,” co-curated by four Washington and Lee students as part of a seminar course in museum studies, will be on display in the Watson Galleries Sept. 28, 2023 through June 1, 2024.
The solo exhibition by sculptor Sam Blanchard is on view until Feb. 8.
The first of three fall exhibitions at Washington and Lee University’s Staniar Gallery is now open to the public.
The students’ work is on display in Staniar Gallery through April 9.
The show will be on view from Feb. 14 through March 18, and artist Leah Raintree will give a public talk on Feb. 15.
The exhibit reflects on women's right to vote.
The exhibition is the first comprehensive study of the artist's watercolors.
Professor Christa Bowden presents her newest collaborative art show at Augusta University titled “Cumberland Island: Land, Water, Wind, and Light."
Professor Andrea Lepage recently published two essays based on exhibits in W&L's Staniar Gallery.
The students’ work will be on display in Staniar Gallery starting March 29.
The April 8 talk is titled "Art as Transformation: Using Photography for Social Change."
The community is invited to a virtual talk on April 7 titled "Women in the Arts: Out of the Margins, Into the Light."
Professors Leigh Ann Beavers and Chris Gavaler recently published a textbook titled “Creating Comics: A Writer’s and Artist's Guide and Anthology.”
Beavers’ exhibit will appear in Washington and Lee's Staniar Gallery from Jan. 17 through Feb. 18, with a virtual artist talk on Jan. 27 at 5:30 p.m.
The acclaimed group is known worldwide for promoting social justice and human rights for all people and genders. The virtual exhibit and lecture are free and open to the public.
W&L's studio art majors present their senior projects in an online exhibition.
The lecture is free and open to the public.
The artists will give a public presentation, followed by a reception, on Jan. 28 at 5:30 p.m. in Wilson Hall’s Concert Hall.
An exhibition of photographic works by Texas-based artist Mari Hernandez will open in Washington and Lee’s Staniar Gallery Nov. 5.
The works will be on display through Sept. 27, with an artist’s talk and reception on Sept. 18.
Adriana Corral on her Installation of "Unearthed: Desenterrado" in Rural Virginia
Professor of Art Christa Bowden's Spring Term course, Antique Photo Processes, focuses entirely on 19th-century photo processes.
The show will be on display from April 22–May 24.
Each spring, the W&L art department showcases the senior theses of studio majors in a professional gallery setting.
The show will be on view Nov. 5 – Dec. 7.
The show will be on view Sept. 1-30. Oring will give a public artist’s talk on Sept. 26 at 5:30 p.m. in Wilson Hall’s Concert Hall.
The $7,000 Virginia Humanities grant will support an upcoming exhibit in Staniar Gallery.
Reese and two friends brought the First-Generation Low-Income Partnership to W&L, where it provides resources and a voice for students.
The work of Patrick Hinely '73 is currently on exhibit at Nelson Gallery, which is located on Washington Street in Lexington.
A three-month internship with New York-based artist Taryn Simon presented Sara Dotterer '18 with myriad possibilities for her future career.
A public artist’s talk and reception will be held on September 20 at 5:30 p.m. in Wilson Hall’s Concert Hall.
Ellen Kanzinger's summer internship allowed her to work on films for the nonprofit GroundTruth Project in Boston, Massachusetts.
Students in Meg Griffith’s Spring Term art class created public works of art to draw attention to important causes in the community.
The work of four Washington and Lee University photography students was accepted in the 2017 Southwest Virginia Juried Student Photography Competition at the Radford University Art Museum Downtown.
Looking for older stories? See the complete Photography archive.