Professor Brandon Hasbrouck published "Democratizing Abolition."
Professor Brandon Hasbrouck published "Democratizing Abolition."
Professor Carla Laroche published "Black Women and Voter Suppression."
Professor Brandon Hasbrouck published "Reimagining Public Safety."
Prof. Brandon Hasbrouck published "Movement Constitutionalism."
Prof. Brandon Hasbrouck published "On Lenity: What Justice Gorsuch Didn’t Say" examining the decision in Wooden v. United States.
Murray’s talk is based on her recent article published in the Harvard Law Review, “Race-ing Roe: Reproductive Justice, Racial Justice, and the Battle for Roe v. Wade.”
In a commentary for The Nation, W&L Law professor Brandon Hasbrouck argues for counting Black votes twice to overcome unequal representation.
Third year law student Erin Hayes works pro bono as legislative director for the Racial Justice Coalition of Texas.
In a Richmond Times commentary, Hasbrouck discusses court packing and a new standard for justices on the highest court in the land.
The panel discussion, titled "Antiracism, White Activists, and Black Freedom," is free and open to the public to watch virtually.
The Africana Studies Program at W&L, in partnership with the Rupert H. Johnson Jr. Program in Leadership and Integrity, will host a series of events focused on activism and Black life. It kicks off Aug. 26 with a panel discussion featuring three W&L faculty members.
This letter serves as an update on the special board committee formed in July to review issues relating to diversity and inclusion on campus, including the university's name.
Returning to campus in these circumstances will challenge us all, but teaching and learning together is what we do best, and it has never been more important.
The team organized a 5K in response to racial injustice and to benefit an NAACP grant named for professor of history emeritus Ted DeLaney.
Five professors from Washington and Lee University held an online panel offering “Perspectives on Black Protest: Comprehending the Current Crisis.”
A new committee will conduct a thoughtful and deliberative process, soliciting widespread input from all of our constituencies, gathering and analyzing data, and consulting experts as needed to inform its work.