Elka Prechel ’26 was inspired by a Spring Term Abroad to explore her passion for teaching in France and Italy this summer.
Elka Prechel ’26 was inspired by a Spring Term Abroad to explore her passion for teaching in France and Italy this summer.
Eliza Spaht ’26 took a course on the economics of winemaking with the Council on International Educational Exchange’s Business and Culture program in Barcelona, Spain.
Students in the Spring Term Abroad course Statistics in Korean Music explore mathematics in the traditional and contemporary music of Korea.
Members of Washington and Lee University’s Class of 2024 who began their W&L experience at the University of St. Andrews in 2020 reflect on their unique experience.
McKnight is proud to be graduating 101 years after her great-grandfather, who started their family’s legacy at W&L.
The opportunity to take a wide variety of classes has expanded Kramer's horizons.
Joshua Justus '24L discusses studying law abroad at Trinity College in Dublin, his first time living outside the U.S.
Accounting major Darya Philips ’24 counts her semester abroad as one of the greatest experiences of her life.
Washington and Lee students explored the world this summer thanks to grant funding opportunities through the Center for International Education.
W&L students in this Spring Term’s “Swedish Theater” course were immersed in culture during their three weeks in Stockholm, Sweden.
Washington and Lee’s Class of 2023 includes nine recipients of the Certificate of International Immersion awarded by W&L’s Center for International Education.
Washington and Lee's Center for International Education awarded two students funding to study Arabic at the University of Jordan this summer.
Despite challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, many students were able to travel this summer for valuable professional experience in other countries.
The award covers full tuition and includes a $10,000 stipend toward living expenses.
Hatfield will travel to Denmark for the fall semester and take multiple psychology classes.
Cindy Irby, assistant director of international education and study abroad advisor at W&L, says her experience as a member of Up with People — which included participation in a Super Bowl halftime show — helps to inspire her as she makes study abroad opportunities possible for W&L students.
At the start of the academic year, 17 first-year international students began their W&L experience in Scotland. Today, they are taking courses in Lexington as a unique group of friends.
Zach Baldridge ’22, Bri Mondesir ’22 and Blake Sanchez ’23 received the prestigious award.
Studying philosophy and Arabic, traveling to Morocco and Beirut, and working with Professor Anthony Edwards to translate a Beiruti book have helped Tanner Hall '21 understand and appreciate other cultures.
Cage Tevis ’21, Bo Garfinkel ’21, Jeremiah Kohl ’22, Collin Frazey ’23 and Tanajia Moye-Green ’23 will study abroad.
Julia Hernandez took a Spring Term class in Ghana and studied abroad in France and Morocco, proving that W&L is a gateway to opportunities all over the globe.
Annie Echols '21 explores some surprising similarities between Sydney and Lexington while in Australia for the Internship and Study Semester in Asia Pacific program.
Foster Friedman '21 discusses the highlights of his experience with the Internship and Study Semester in Asia Pacific Program.
Wenle Mu '20 describes a typical week of living in Australia as a student in the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program.
Four Washington and Lee University students are spending time this summer in Beirut, where they are immersed in Arabic language and Lebanese culture.
Zander Kieu highlights his first three months in Sydney as part of the Sydney Study Abroad and Internship Program.
Victoria Seymour '21 reflects on her time in Australia as part of the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program.
Xinxian Wang '21, a student at Washington and Lee University, has won a $10,000 Davis Projects for Peace grant.
In Tanzania, Mugo will study the perception of the life of refugees after resettlement.
Her scholarship will fund a nine- to 12-month study of small-scale cultural heritage looting operations in the Golden Triangle of India.
Claire Mackin '20 shares her experiences in Sydney as part of the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program.
A market research project generated by W&L students is helping a Danish company to align its initiatives with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
After spending the summer teaching and exploring in Costa Rica, Taylor Casey '20 can't wait to return.
Washington Term, study abroad opportunities and internships—including one with the Philadelphia Eagles—have helped to shape Jason Renner's plans for the future.
Megan Engeland '19 spent her summer in a research laboratory in the psychology department at the University of Sydney in Australia.
Caroline Caruso '21 loved Costa Rica so much that she wants to open a medical practice there after graduate school.
Language and culture courses at W&L prepared Marissa Miller '21 for a fun, educational trip to Nicoya, where she met the vice president of Costa Rica (left, center).
Danielle Spickard '19 is taking full advantage of what the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program has to offer.
Evan Kueffner ’18 remains mindful of the friends, professors, coaches, staff and community members who opened doors to multiple opportunities for him.
While studying in Sydney, Bradley Callaham '19 interns at LINK, the world’s largest international business brokerage firm.
Senior Stephanie Williams '18 says W&L's First-Generation Low-Income Partnership (FLIP) gave her support to overcome obstacles and mentor other low-income students.
Soon Ho spends his days in Australia studying at the University of Sydney and interning at Greencross Limited, Australia's largest pet care company.
From Lexington to London, Faith E. Pinho '18 has had a vast array of experiences.
Teresa Aires Rodrigues is spending her winter term in Sydney, Australia.
Laura Gottschalk moved from Lexington to Arlington to intern at EY during the Winter Term.
Kat Oakley '19 has spent a lot of time contemplating the idea of "place" - both in Lexington and across the world.
Harleigh Bean ’18 studied in Paris, spent a summer at one of Middlebury's competitive language schools and attended the Public Policy and International Affairs Junior Summer Institute at Princeton University.
Monica Musgrave '18 is already double-majoring, but that didn't stop her from spending six-weeks in England studying two completely different subjects.
The best place to research your thesis? Some would say the library, but for Jacqueline Moruzzi '18 that place is the Cambridge University's Medieval Studies Summer Program.
Shadowing surgeons in Thailand made neuroscience major Emily Ellis '18 even more excited about her chosen career path.
Lee Sommerfeldt '18 found a home away from home in a honky-tonk in the heart of Tokyo.
Alex Meilech '18 spent the summer in Santiago, Chile, learning the language, exploring the culture, and caring for the people of the country.
A grant from the Endeavor Foundation allowed engineering students Alfred Rwagaju '18 and Kennedy Gibson-Wynn '18 to spend the summer studying hydroelectric power in Rwanda.
A grant from the Endeavor Foundation allowed Yoko Koyama '19 and Maren Lundgren '18 to open a store in Cameroon that will fund transportation for local children to go to middle school in a neighboring town.
Hannah Palmatary '18 spent the summer discovering the ancient ruins of Greece, as well as her own talent and passion for creative writing.
The Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program (SISAP) is the only program at W&L that provides students with both a study abroad experience and up to two internship opportunities during the same semester.
Jack Miller '19 has spent his summer in the bush of South Africa, learning about wildlife and conservation - and having a few close calls in the field.
Jake Roberts' study abroad trip started with an earthquake, and ended with him finding a passion for public health.
Alora Martin, who is participating in an intensive language program for Arabic in Amman, Jordan, sees studying abroad as a necessary part of a modern education.
LaPointe, who says his personal motto is "being genuine goes a long way," is a world traveler, professional debater, and Johnson Scholar.
Now that we have lived in Sydney for over a month, I can tell you that there is no way to see it all. Although our small Washington and Lee group has made an effort to do as much as possible, we have barely scratched the surface of what Sydney has to offer.
Perhaps the neatest thing about Sydney is its seamless blending of a highly developed urban center and vast expanses of protected coastal land to hike and explore.
A passion for asking questions has led Batsheva Honig ‘17 from America to Argentina to study women’s health in both countries.
Meet Yolanda Yang ‘18, who has traveled to China and back to discover the true purpose of cinematic censorship. Yang and study partner Savannah Kimble ’18 conducted research on this project in 2017 under the auspices of a grant from the Endeavor Foundation.
My adventures in Australia officially began after surviving twenty-two and half hours in the air, and arriving to the Gilligan’s Hostel in Cairns, Australia.
Although I always imagined myself studying abroad in Europe, after a Spring Term in Copenhagen my sophomore year, I was ready to explore a completely different area of the world.
While everyone else is screaming at their computers trying to weave through the web advisor woes and figure out how many times they are going to have to walk back to third-year housing that day, I have had the opportunity to do something that not many W&L students get to do right in the middle of junior year: explore a new, unfamiliar city and have an invaluable internship experience.
Physics professors Dan and Irina Mazilu discuss their path to the U.S., taking students abroad and exploring their adopted country one state at a time.
Gray Rixey '18 spent part of his summer interning for a member of the British Parliament as part of the London Internship Program. He had no idea it would happen during one of the most tumultuous periods in British history.
Seventeen W&L students spent the summer as interns in England as part of the university's London Internship Program.
With college graduates looking for an edge as they enter the job market, does listing a study-abroad experience on one's résumé make a difference to potential employers?