Jaden Keuhner discusses raising money for Gold Star Memorial in Rockbridge County.
Jaden Keuhner discusses raising money for Gold Star Memorial in Rockbridge County.
Victor Ricciardi, visiting professor of finance at Washington and Lee University, was recently interviewed for MoneyGeek.
Professor Mark Rush published an opinion piece in The Hill titled, "Partisan bias in the Constitution? Check the data."
Lynn Rainville was recently featured in the Burlington County Times.
Mark Rush’s recent article titled “Is Virginia Now a Beacon of Electoral Reform? Yes, but…” appeared in the Spring 2021 publication.
Victor Ricciardi, visiting professor of finance at Washington and Lee University, shared his financial expertise and insight in two recent interviews.
In a Richmond Times commentary, Hasbrouck discusses court packing and a new standard for justices on the highest court in the land.
Professor Molly Michelmore took part in a forum and podcast examining the “winners and losers of the Republicans’ 2017 redistribution of wealth.”
Professor de Lissovoy gave an artist’s talk through the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art.
In a WalletHub piece, Hoover answers questions about the current state of the housing market.
Philosophy Professor Melina Bell explains what policies could be adopted to help close the gap.
Gavaler’s opinion piece is entitled “The problem with 'cancel culture'”
In the magazine piece, politics professor Mark Rush outlines steps that could end partisan gerrymandering and rid Virginia of the “antiquated” winner-take-all electoral system.
In a piece published in The Nation, Locy asserts that General Robert E. Lee does not deserve to be associated with W&L.
Miranda was invited on radio station KPFA’s UpFront to discuss Junipero Serra, the myth of California missions, and the colonization of native people.
Ponce de Leon was interviewed for a story on "Peru's Rock Star Finance Minister."
The three-night miniseries airs on the History channel beginning Monday, May 25 at 9 p.m.
Kelly Evans '07 interviewed Dudley about his hopes and plans for students' return to campus in the fall.
Green was recently interviewed on NPR’s All Things Considered to discuss “The More Extravagant Feast.”
The title of his op-ed is “Might This Be the Beginning of Education?”
In the “Unmarked” episode of the “Reel South” series, Rainville highlights her research into historic African American cemeteries.
Wheeler discusses tailoring remote instruction to best serve her students.
Rush’s article is entitled “Saving the Voting Rights Act: Virginia as a case study for reform.”
Gavin Fox answers questions about the value of grocery credit card programs.
Linda Hooks, professor of economics and head of the W&L Economics Department, was interviewed by the News-Gazette.
The title of his op-ed is "It's Time to Get Rid of Distribution Requirements."
Morel’s piece is titled “America Wasn’t Founded on White Supremacy: A Rebuttal to the ‘1619 Project.’”
The title of Schatten’s article is “Prison: Where Undergrads and Inmates Take Classes Together.”
The Hill published a commentary by Nora Demleitner on impeachment and witness protection.
The article is titled “The Changing Shapes of Latin American Welfare States."
Green was recently interviewed on NPR’s Morning Edition for the bicentennial of American poet Walt Whitman’s birth.
In a Washington Post opinion piece published May 17, Washington and Lee law professor Carliss Chatman considers how the law will apply to a change in the definition of personhood.
Mark Rush's piece was published Feb. 13 in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
In the Feb 5. op-ed, Strong examines Trump's "norm-shattering presidential behaviors."
Bob Strong's piece was published on Dec. 9 in The Virginian-Pilot.
W&L Anthropology Professor Alison Bell discusses grave sites on "With Good Reason Radio."
Alexander explains why we should expect to see more rule-breaking in Congress from now on.
W&L History Professor Sarah Horowitz addresses "the upper-class claim to a right to rule — and misrule" in the Washington Post.
In the article Strong argues that "Now, more than ever, we need to take George Washington’s warnings to heart."
Professors Michelle Brock, Sarah Horowitz and Molly Michelmore discuss the message and weight behind Confederate monuments on college campuses
In the op-ed, Professor Kevin Finch argues that Virginians should end the debate about debates.
Benefiel explains how she has spent more than a decade studying what the people of Pompei and Herculaneum wrote on their walls.
In the Roanoke Times piece, Strong investigates the meaning behind the term "tabloid presidency."
In a Roanoke Times piece, Silwal discusses current events and the impact they bear on children.
Mark Rush, Waxberg Professor of Politics and Law at W&L, has recently discussed constitutional amendments, 3D-printed guns and electoral maps.
Horowitz is an associate professor of history at Washington and Lee.
Strong is the William Lyne Wilson Professor in Political Economy at Washington and Lee.
Strong is the William Lyne Wilson Professor in Political Economy at Washington and Lee.
Hoover discusses the advantages and disadvantages of a perfect credit score.
Journalism professor Aly Colón weighs in on Fox News support of Hannity.
Rush's piece was published in The Virginian-Pilot
Swasy's piece was published in Splinter News.
President Dudley's remarks at the 2017 commencement exercises have been published in The Roanoke Times.
The following opinion piece by Mark Rush, Waxberg Professor of Politics and Law and director of international education at Washington and Lee, appeared in the Richmond Times-Dispatch on November 6, 2016.
The following opinion piece by Bob Strong, William Lyne Wilson Professor of Politics at Washington and Lee, appeared in the Richmond Times-Dispatch on October 29, 2016.
Recent graduate Leah Gose '15 reflects on her time at W&L and the lessons she's taken away from her four years in Lexington.