The Williams Investment Society’s $25.5 million assets under management rank sixth nationally according to a survey conducted by the Center for Investment Research.
The Williams Investment Society’s $25.5 million assets under management rank sixth nationally according to a survey conducted by the Center for Investment Research.
Stephen Welker ’05 honors his past by shaping the future.
Oliver was presented with the American Accounting Association’s Jim Benjamin Lifetime Service Award at the organization’s Leadership in Accounting Education Section Seminar on Feb. 14.
Gibbs taught accounting, business and management at Washington and Lee University.
Joseph, a captain of the men’s soccer team, chose W&L for its well-rounded liberal arts curriculum and reputable school of commerce.
Mentorship from his major and faculty adviser has helped Saalfrank challenge himself academically and professionally.
After graduation, Donahue is working as a financial analyst at Amazon and pursuing her CPA.
W&L’s Spring Term Sustainability Accounting class takes a deeper look at the practice of corporations factoring in societal and environmental impacts alongside their financial bottom lines.
After a summer internship, Ott landed a full-time job as an investment banking analyst with Houlihan Lokey.
Growing up in Lexington, Liwag saw firsthand how members of the W&L community made an impact, and she knew she wanted to be part of that.
The professor of accounting will receive the 2023 Accounting Historians Journal Award at the organization’s annual meeting in August.
Frederick will serve as co-presenter for a session that demonstrates the beneficial uses of technology in the curriculum mapping process.
Liz Mira Santi ’24 came to W&L as a Gunn Scholar in 2023, and her time on campus has expanded her worldview and reinforced her ambitions.
A four-person team comprised of John Schleider ‘24, Diwesh Kumar ‘24, Bradford Bush ’25 and Drew Thompson ‘25 claimed the $3,000 top prize for their pitch on CVS Health.
Laura Murambadoro ’26 brings varied interests, a collaborative leadership style and a passion for community engagement to W&L’s campus.
Rubel’s lecture will be held in Northen Auditorium on Feb. 22 at 5:30 p.m.
Washington and Lee students are applying their accounting skills in the community as part of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program.
Accounting major Darya Philips ’24 counts her semester abroad as one of the greatest experiences of her life.
The United Bank senior executive engages with the W&L community through student recruitment and event participation.
Megan Hess collected the award at the AAA Annual Meeting in August.
Caraballo is one of 369 students from across the U.S. to receive the merit scholarship from the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
Megan Hess offers perspective on the importance of determining the scope of inventory shrinkage.
Scott Holcomb ’23 and Josh Fingerhut ’24 claimed a $2,500 prize for their pitch on Diamondback Energy.
New members will serve a six-year term supporting Dean Rob Straughan and the school’s faculty members.
He taught in the Accounting Department from 1984 to 2007.
By his sophomore year at W&L, McPheeters knew he wanted to go into investment banking after graduation. Today, he works as an investment banking analyst in Houlihan Lokey's Industrials group in New York City.
Rosen utilized summer internships to help land his current role as an analyst at SVB Securities.
The Williams School congratulates the Class of 2022 graduates who received awards and honors for academic excellence during their time at W&L.
The Gilman Scholarship Program offers awards of up to $5,000 to U.S. undergraduate students who are Pell Grant recipients.
Hess, associate professor of accounting at W&L, discusses her passion for teaching classes like "Anatomy of a Fraud," a popular Spring Term class about corporate fraud
Between the classroom and her community volunteer work, Katherine Ho '23 has built a W&L experience that is already paying off in the career world.
The spring event is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, April 29-30 on campus.
John Adekola ’24 sees his role with Phonathon as a chance to make a difference at W&L.
Victor Ricciardi, visiting professor of finance at Washington and Lee University, was recently interviewed for MoneyGeek.
Professor Stephan Fafatas was recently awarded the 2021 Alfred R. Roberts Memorial Research Award, presented by the Academy of Accounting Historians.
Professor Victor Ricciardi was quoted in an article titled “You’re probably sabotaging yourself when it comes to finances. How to spot it — and stop it.”
The faculty and staff of the Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics congratulate our 2021 graduates who have received awards and honors for academic excellence during their time at W&L.
Professor Victor Ricciardi discussed a new category in the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standard
In a WalletHub piece, Scott Hoover, Washington and Lee University’s A. Stevens Miles Professor of Banking and Finance, answers questions about secured credit cards.
Poppenberg has received a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to Argentina starting in March 2022.
Ricciardi served as an expert panelist on behavioral finance and retirement planning for the podcast "That Annuity Show" earlier this year.
Assistant Professor Lloyd Tanlu’s article is titled “Causal Language and Effective Performance Evaluations.”
The Feb. 11 conversation with Bloom is open to the W&L community.
Victor Ricciardi, visiting professor of finance at Washington and Lee University, shared his financial expertise and insight in two recent interviews.
The Entrepreneurship Summit will take place online on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 2–3.
Fifteen W&L faculty members and two alumnae have signed on to help teach a Fall Term course that will cover multiple aspects of the COVID-19 crisis.
Internship and Study Semester in Asia-Pacific student Sam Smiley '21 reminisces about his stay in Singapore, which was cut short because of COVID-19.
Temi Adeyanju '21 describes her many adventures in Australia during her Internship and Study Semester in Asia-Pacific.
Annie Echols '21 explores some surprising similarities between Sydney and Lexington while in Australia for the Internship and Study Semester in Asia Pacific program.
Foster Friedman '21 discusses the highlights of his experience with the Internship and Study Semester in Asia Pacific Program.
The paper will be published in a journal of the American Accounting Association.
The paper investigates the relation between accounting failure and innovation.
The one-day conference on the role analysts play in today’s financial markets took place at Cass Business School in London on Sept. 13, 2019.
Bovay is one of approximately 200 board-certified tax lawyers in Florida.
Wenle Mu '20 describes a typical week of living in Australia as a student in the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program.
Zander Kieu highlights his first three months in Sydney as part of the Sydney Study Abroad and Internship Program.
Victoria Seymour '21 reflects on her time in Australia as part of the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program.
We asked professors to share course materials and discussion questions to offer a sneak peek at the breadth of opportunities available during the best term of the year.
Through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, W&L students used their knowledge to prepare taxes for local low-income and elderly residents.
Claire Mackin '20 shares her experiences in Sydney as part of the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program.
Edwin Castellanos Campos '20 came up with the idea for the special edition after taking a Spring Term sociology/anthropology course about U.S. immigration and refugees.
Sykes will be working this summer with Ernst & Young in Frankfurt.
The panel, which will take place in Tampa on March 1, is titled “Functional Planning for the (sometimes dysfunctional) Family Business.”
As part of the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program, Mariam Samuel '20 is taking courses at the University of Sydney and interning at Wheatley Wealth Management.
The students will provide basic preparation of state and federal income tax returns to qualified residents.
Dannick Kenon '19, who plans to attend law school and devote his career to positive social change, has co-founded a new student publication at W&L called The Vigil.
Molly Mann '20 combined fitness and service learning during her Shepherd summer internship at Back on My Feet in Washington, D.C.
Payne joined the W&L Board of Trustees on October 5.
Of the W&L graduates who took the exam, 89.5% passed one or more sections on their very first attempt.
Danielle Spickard '19 is taking full advantage of what the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program has to offer.
Elizabeth Oliver will assume the role of associate dean beginning July 1.
While studying in Sydney, Bradley Callaham '19 interns at LINK, the world’s largest international business brokerage firm.
Matthew Rickert '18 completed the daunting task of updating the "Outing Club Guidebook."
Edwin Castellanos '20 created a system that allows students to save money by borrowing donated textbooks.
A CFA credential gives students a distinct advantage on the job market.
Soon Ho spends his days in Australia studying at the University of Sydney and interning at Greencross Limited, Australia's largest pet care company.
As a first-year student at W&L, Jane Chiavelli '18 had no idea that she would face a huge challenge — and come out of it with strong leadership skills.
Teresa Aires Rodrigues is spending her winter term in Sydney, Australia.
Hermione Wang '18 has spent so much time in Lenfest that people jokingly ask her if she lives there. Her job? Making sure that the show always goes on.
Laura Gottschalk moved from Lexington to Arlington to intern at EY during the Winter Term.
Kate Donnelly ’11 is using her education and Shepherd experiences to improve her local community.
Soon Ho Kwon '17 and Claire Meyers '18 spent the summer looking at how Corporate Social Responsibility plays a role in the bottom line.
This year, members of the accounting department and W&L accounting students attended conferences and workshops across the U.S. and Denmark.
The Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program (SISAP) is the only program at W&L that provides students with both a study abroad experience and up to two internship opportunities during the same semester.
Frances Coy spent her summer interning at the New York City District Attorney's office in the Forensic Accounting and Financial Investigation Bureau.
Inga Wells '16 is currently an analyst in the Financial Sponsors Group at Deutsche Bank.
Julia Poppenberg '19 spent the summer as a translator in Guatemala, helping doctors and patients alike and learning to "talk strong."
Alex Castelli is an audit partner at CohnReznick LLP, a national accounting, tax and advisory firm. He lead's the firm’s Emerging Industries Practice which includes technology, life sciences, renewable energy and health care in addition to serving as the engagement partner on several clients primarily in the technology and life sciences industries.
Jane Chiavelli '18 is captain of the Varsity Equestrian Team, president of Beta Alpha Psi, and president of Delta Society.
Looking back on the last four months in Australia, I cannot believe how much I have been able to experience in just one semester. My time in Australia has differed a little from the rest of the group since my sister just moved to Sydney with her Aussie husband. My brother-in-law, Calvin, was eager to show me the “real Australian experience,” which I quickly learned consisted of exploring beautiful places and eating meat pies while rooting for his favorite Australian rules football team.
As I write this blog post, I have been outside our beloved United States for nearly five months, and what an exciting time it certainly has been...
Classes, internships, and sightseeing take up the majority of my time here, but so far it’s been a semester to remember.
Now that we have lived in Sydney for over a month, I can tell you that there is no way to see it all. Although our small Washington and Lee group has made an effort to do as much as possible, we have barely scratched the surface of what Sydney has to offer.
Perhaps the neatest thing about Sydney is its seamless blending of a highly developed urban center and vast expanses of protected coastal land to hike and explore.
My adventures in Australia officially began after surviving twenty-two and half hours in the air, and arriving to the Gilligan’s Hostel in Cairns, Australia.
Although I always imagined myself studying abroad in Europe, after a Spring Term in Copenhagen my sophomore year, I was ready to explore a completely different area of the world.
Five seniors, Robert Conley, Mike DeLuca, Kaitlin Krouskos, Daniel Weld and Catherine Zhu, have received scholarships to study for level one of the exam to become a Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA).
While everyone else is screaming at their computers trying to weave through the web advisor woes and figure out how many times they are going to have to walk back to third-year housing that day, I have had the opportunity to do something that not many W&L students get to do right in the middle of junior year: explore a new, unfamiliar city and have an invaluable internship experience.
Raquel Alexander, associate dean and Ehrlick Kilner Haight Sr. Term Professor of Accounting at Washington and Lee University's Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics, has been named the first Kenneth W. Freeman Professor and Dean of the College of Management at Bucknell University. She will begin her new role on July 1.
Washington and Lee faculty participated in a panel discussion on Thursday, Nov. 17, discussing the 2016 election from a variety of perspectives.
David Robinson is an accounting and business administration major from Greenville, S.C. A member of the Class of 2015, he is chairman of the Student Judicial Council, a resident advisor for first-year students, a local elementary school volunteer and a member of @wluLex, W&L's student-run social media team.
Lucy Wade Shapiro is an American history major from Memphis, TN. A member of the Class of 2015, she is president of the student-run Executive Committee, a peer counselor, a volunteer at the Rockbridge Area Health Center and a member of Tri Beta, WITS and Reformed University Fellowship.
Accounting and Business Administration major lends her planning skills to the annual Souper Bowl benefit for the Campus Kitchen Backpack Program.
Elizabeth Robertson '01 takes childhood fascination with space to a career creating parts for rocket engines.
Johnson Opportunity Grant winner dives into local politics in Nashville.
Accounting and Religion major Andrea Owen '16 interns for Ernst & Young.
"The university has instilled in me a curiosity that expands beyond the classroom."
The return of students in the fall elicits mixed emotions. We feel the absence of those who have moved on even as we welcome the fresh and eager, first-year (FY) students.
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