Rather than solve a crisis of integrity, Professor Miller argues that expansion of the number of justice or more frequent appointments resulting from term limits will destabilize the Court’s jurisprudence.
Rather than solve a crisis of integrity, Professor Miller argues that expansion of the number of justice or more frequent appointments resulting from term limits will destabilize the Court’s jurisprudence.
Professor Sarah Haan was quoted extensively in a Bloomberg Law news article on a challenge brought by business groups to a new SEC disclosure rule.
Prof. Mark Drumbl was interviewed on NPR’s All Things Considered to discuss the whether Russia's assaults on Ukraine constitute war crimes.
Professor Michelle Brock will give a talk on witch hunting in modern culture.
Ponce de León's peer-reviewed journal article focuses on the impact of political parties on healthcare reform in Peru.
Victor Ricciardi, visiting professor of finance at Washington and Lee University, was recently interviewed for MoneyGeek.
Professor Linda Hooks discusses personal loans in a recent WalletHub article.
Professor Aly Colón was interviewed in an article titled “Suspended from social media, Donald Trump has found a new, old way to spread falsehoods.”
Professor Joshua Fairfield was quoted in a column titled "Amazon wants to use radar so Alexa can watch as you sleep."
Professor Barton Myers was recently quoted in an article titled “Private and religious groups are starting to pay reparations for slavery – but it’s nowhere near enough.”
Professor Mark Rush published an opinion piece in The Hill titled, "Partisan bias in the Constitution? Check the data."
Professor Molly Michelmore published a book review for Mike Konczal’s “Freedom From the Market: America's Fight to Liberate Itself From the Grip of the Invisible Hand.”
Professor Victor Ricciardi was quoted in an article titled “You’re probably sabotaging yourself when it comes to finances. How to spot it — and stop it.”
Professor Aly Colón published an article describing the best practices for consuming news in The Conversation.
Professor Nadia Ayoub was interviewed in a Wired article about her work with spider silk.
Politics Professor Lucas Morel was interviewed for the “We the People” podcast.
Mark Rush’s recent article titled “Is Virginia Now a Beacon of Electoral Reform? Yes, but…” appeared in the Spring 2021 publication.
In a commentary in The Nation, Alex Klein and Brandon Hasbrouck discuss South Carolina's newest execution method.
Professor Victor Ricciardi discussed a new category in the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standard
Joshua Fairfield contributed to an article on Vox.com discussing the erosion of personal ownership.
The Washington Post published a commentary by Nora Demleitner on reducing the influence of prosecutors and victims on parole decisions.
Tim Diette discussed his new journal article, “Does the Negro Need Separate Schools? A Retrospective Analysis of the Racial Composition of Schools and Black Adult Academic and Economic Success,” in Scienmag and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Professor Nneka Dennie discusses Women’s History Month in a recent New York Times article.
The article is titled “Lava Jato deepened political chaos in Peru and splashes the 18 presidential candidates.”
In a WalletHub piece, Scott Hoover, Washington and Lee University’s A. Stevens Miles Professor of Banking and Finance, answers questions about secured credit cards.
Brian Alexander will also moderate a panel discussion, "Congressional Norms in an Era of Conflict," via Zoom on April 8, at 12 p.m.
Politics professor Lucas Morel recently published an article in Persuasion titled “Speaking the Truth.”
Professor Strong’s op-ed is titled “Donald Trump and the Stress Test of American Democracy.”
Assistant Professor Lloyd Tanlu’s article is titled “Causal Language and Effective Performance Evaluations.”
Strong co-authored an article in The Conversation titled “America’s newest voters look back at the 2020 election – and forward to politics in 2021.”
Prof. Sarah Haan coauthored a commentary for Project Syndicate on using stock price to judge performance.
In the article, Brodie discusses Confederate monuments' complex history and how an American contemporary artist is working to change how others view them.
Prof. Alan Trammell coauthored a commentary in the Washington Post examining Sen. Josh Hawley's legal arguments on the election.
In the article, Rainville discusses how Sweet Briar College remembers the enslaved people and free laborers who built – and are buried beneath – its campus.
Victor Ricciardi, visiting professor of finance at Washington and Lee University, shared his financial expertise and insight in two recent interviews.
In the interview, Hill discusses her new appointment as W&L provost, effective July 1, 2021.
Brian Alexander recently contributed to the Monticello blog, where he discussed Thomas Jefferson’s “Manual of Parliamentary Practice” and the impact it has on modern rules of the U.S. Congress.
Politics professor Mark Rush published opinion pieces in the Jurist and The Virginian-Pilot in November.
Barton Myers’ op-ed is titled “Why the Stonewall Jackson statue belongs at Chancellorsville.”
Journalism Professor Toni Locy appears in multiple episodes of the new docuseries "Trial 4."
Mark Rush was interviewed on Brian Frydenborg's '04 “Real Context News” podcast.
W&L Professor of Economics Hugo Blunch published an article with the IZA Institute of Labor Economics.
Ponce de León is an assistant professor of politics at Washington and Lee University.
Victor Ricciardi, visiting professor of finance at Washington and Lee University, recently appeared on “The Rational Reminder Podcast.”
Rush published op-eds in the Richmond Times-Dispatch and The Fulcrum in September.
Professor Molly Michelmore took part in a forum and podcast examining the “winners and losers of the Republicans’ 2017 redistribution of wealth.”
Professor de Lissovoy gave an artist’s talk through the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art.
In a WalletHub piece, Hoover answers questions about the current state of the housing market.
Philosophy Professor Melina Bell explains what policies could be adopted to help close the gap.
Gavaler’s opinion piece is entitled “The problem with 'cancel culture'”
Ponce de Leon was interviewed for a story on "Peru's Rock Star Finance Minister."
The three-night miniseries airs on the History channel beginning Monday, May 25 at 9 p.m.
Green was recently interviewed on NPR’s All Things Considered to discuss “The More Extravagant Feast.”
Morel’s recent interview was included in “The 1619 Project Exposed: A Special Edition of the American Mind Podcast.”
The title of his op-ed is “Might This Be the Beginning of Education?”
In the “Unmarked” episode of the “Reel South” series, Rainville highlights her research into historic African American cemeteries.
Wheeler discusses tailoring remote instruction to best serve her students.
Rush’s article is entitled “Saving the Voting Rights Act: Virginia as a case study for reform.”
Gavin Fox answers questions about the value of grocery credit card programs.
Linda Hooks, professor of economics and head of the W&L Economics Department, was interviewed by the News-Gazette.
Strong spoke on President Jimmy Carter’s pre-White House days and his complicated relations with the civil rights movement in Georgia.
The title of his op-ed is "It's Time to Get Rid of Distribution Requirements."
The title of Rush’s piece is “If the electors can be faithless, why have an Electoral College?”
Lynn Rainville was interviewed for a recent WUSF News article titled “Anthropologist: Building Over African American Cemeteries Not Just A Southern Problem.”
On the show, Woodzicka talks about her research on sexual harassment.
Smithsonian flew Benefiel to Pompeii in May 2019 to interview on-site.
Aljazeera relied on the expertise of Mark Drumbl for "explainers" on war crimes and genocide.
The Richmond Times-Dispatch published a commentary by Todd Peppers on public access to executions in Virginia.
Morel’s piece is titled “America Wasn’t Founded on White Supremacy: A Rebuttal to the ‘1619 Project.’”
The title of Schatten’s article is “Prison: Where Undergrads and Inmates Take Classes Together.”
The title of Strong’s piece is “Impeachment and Democracy.”
In the piece, Michelmore is quoted from her 2012 book, “Tax and Spend: The Welfare State, Tax Politics, and the Limits of American Liberalism.”
The piece explains Rainville's role at Washington and Lee and the work she is doing on campus.
In the article, Lind discusses the unique education students receive at W&L.
The piece discusses their research studies into sci-fi and the effect it has on human intelligence.
The Conversation recently published an article written by Mark Rush titled “The Electoral College will never make everyone happy.”
In the article, Bassiouny answered common questions about foreign transactions and credit card fees.
The episode aired on “The Great Books” podcast series.
In the discussion, Morel explains the history behind the Lincoln-Douglas debates.
n the podcast, Schatten and Dudley discuss organizational culture and values.
Conner is provost and the Jo M. and James Ballengee Professor of English at Washington and Lee University.
Davies was recently interviewed on ABC Radio Australia about his current research.
The article is a part of his forthcoming book, “A Social Theory of Congress: Legislative Norms in the Twenty-First Century.”
Horowitz’s article is titled “Sherlock Holmes Comes to Paris: True Crime and Private Detection in the Belle Époque.”
The article discusses taxation and Democratic aspirations.
The article is titled “The Changing Shapes of Latin American Welfare States."
Green was recently interviewed on NPR’s Morning Edition for the bicentennial of American poet Walt Whitman’s birth.